Financial Contribution

We did it, the UFCA is officially in the courts but we can’t do this alone - we need your help!
Please consider contributing to the UFCA today.

Achieving intervener status in a fisheries-related court case puts the UFCA in a great position to have industry’s interests and concerns presented and documented within the NS Supreme Court. These court challenges are critically important and could, if not challenged, change the regulatory regime of the commercial fishery as we know it today.

Retaining one of Canada’s most prominent legal firms to represent industry’s concerns and interests coupled with government relations is expensive and will require significant financial support. By pooling our resources for a common concern, these efforts are achievable. The time has come for industry to work together and prepare today to ensure the sustainability, stability and future of the commercial fishing industry.

Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean

- Ryunsocke Satoro

The UFCA needs the financial commitment (contributions) from ALL commercial license holders, regardless of species fished, deckhands and associated businesses who rely on a healthy, sustainable, economic viable fishery to continue this fight. Consider what the industry is worth to you, your family, our coastal communities. Now is the time to make a meaningful difference for the future of the fishery. If you’re a license holder, consider your financial contribution as an ‘insurance’ on your license.

All financial contributions go towards our legal council, government relations, communications and other costs associated with our efforts. The UFCA is led by a group of dedicated industry volunteers - there are no paid part time or fulltime employees and therefore, the administrative overhead has been kept to a minimum, less than 2%.

Receipts are issued to all who contribute to this initiative. To receive a receipt, please provide your full name, company name (if applicable) and full mailing address when making e-transfers or using our online credit card option below.

How to Contribute to the UFCA

UFCA’s preferred method of payment is cheque or e-Transfer to avoid credit card transaction fees - this also ensures your contribution goes directly toward the legal fees on behalf of your industry and not to credit card companies.


Cheques can be made out to:

Unified Fisheries Conservation Alliance

3-4083 Highway #308

Tusket, Nova Scotia, B0W 3M0

E-Transfer Payments:

E-transfer payments can be sent to:

Credit Card: Visa/Mastercard

Click the denomination for credit card payment: | $100 | $250 | $500 | $750 | $1,000 | $1,500 |

*If you wish to contribute a denomination not listed above, please contact UFCA: 902-742-5247

Last Updated 2022-02-01

Who We Are